Friday, July 20, 2012

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Second House in the Second House area wantonly invading and gave up two House surrounding prefectures village spring of this year after the Qing began to rely on the strong fortress Guide,Bulls Jerseys, Kaifeng city is attached to corner the one hand, our army tentative offensive recalcitrant. the other hand, sent small groups of cavalry forces continue to harass our military-controlled areas in accordance with the autumn harvest close to the current situation. Gong the Adai will expand the scope of the captives. superiors decided the military district Yu Ning Fu and then southward expansion of 30 the ordinary people of the region in full withdrawal to the rear. requires us to solve the the Duguid government to complete the encirclement of the east of Kaifeng.
more than a year. The irony is that this tactic is the Ming army against the Manchu cavalry housekeeping skills. now been brought Gong Adai, eye for an eye, a man as body. like Huang Lvjia as described GONG Adai deliberately gave up the large number of small towns Shousuobingli stick Kaifeng, Guide the city, and wantonly looting the surrounding villages. corresponding Wang also four weeks to regain the village of movement to the rear to do the invading both sides so you come to me Guide and Kaifeng near the more sparsely populated Wang turned to Shen Yun Britain, asked: Kaifeng, Guide, and other places around have no food can be swept. looting more and more in-depth the pedaled child cavalry. this our army many times the only way to intercept them back to Kaifeng,cheap basketball jerseys, the effect is pretty good. This is thanks to Lee teachers, eight teacher with after all, Henan than pedaled child familiar with. now every day the weather gets warmer. pedaled son horses mostly desert land of the Mongolian horse. cold without heat, which is why we an opportunity. Then Shen Yun Ying paused and added: siege, after all, the food of the Qing. , then casualties will be very serious. style buildings, city within the cylindrical side

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